Single Illustrations

Here you’ll find a number of illustrations that stand on their own without a much larger project. Portraits, posters, and other pieces that I particularly like that were made by themselves without any accompanying art.

A project to illustrate a poster of Lucinda Brand, famous cyclist, for an exhibition of women in cycling hosted by Trek.

A commissioned postcard illustration in a vintage National Parks style. Except, of course, being a floating fantasy city with a colosseum.

This kid’s-cartoon style drawing was tons of fun to do. It’s a style I really enjoy, and it was a bit of a challenge making sure everything read well while being fun, colorful, and detailed enough to be interesting!

This quick illustration was made for a prompt of “dream houses.” Now, I don’t think I’d actually like to live in an open-air walking house, but I do think the idea is fun!

A peculiar vector illustration made as an exercise when given the prompts “X-box” and “better to eat.” Hence, a gardener harvesting her garden-fresh X-boxes, ready for the breakfast table. Or the lunch table, or dinner table. I was never quite sure what kind of meal an X-box would feature at.

This commissioned drawing was for a game character. It’s always a blast doing character art commissions, especially for characters that are well loved by their players. There’s a lot of interesting details that you need to be aware of!

Another interesting commission, where I was given a vague setting, some preferred colors, and a mood. Nothing is quite like coloring neon signs, in the best way.

This fun digital painting was about subverting usual fantasy illustration tropes. We all love a nice overlooking landscape, but it’s even better when your tiny foreground subject is unceremoniously tumbling off your overlook.

The trees in this one were particularly fun to illustrate. What’s better than a magenta tree? A lot of things, probably, but I can’t think of any at this moment so the point stands!


Catling Creamery